Vembu launches VMBackup v3.1

sabn_20151006aVembu announced the launch of Vembu VMBackup v3.1 for production environment, the Vembu BDR suite product supporting various IT infrastructure. Vembu VMBackup is very useful for Image based Backup & Replication of VMWare or Hyper-V based Virtual Data Centers and Physical Server Image backups. SMBs having both physical and virtual servers can opt for image backups for advanced restore options rather depending over traditional way of backing up their systems.


Vembu BDR is Free for MVPs and vExperts

bn_20150517Vembu announced their new Vembu BDR will be given away for FREE to MVPs and vExperts. They are inviting interested industry professionals to test the efficiency of our product, enjoy its many features and experience the sheer power of Vembu’s technology.


Vembu Announces Universal Backup Solution – Vembu BDR v3.0

bn_20150415Vembu Technologies announced a unified backup solution, Vembu BDR v3.0,  for all types of infrastructure. With this edition, Vembu BDR v3.0 comes with two proprietary drivers for high speed VMware, Hyper V and disk image backups with promised RTOs of less than a minute.  IT Administrators managing physical, virtual or hybrid data centers can take advantage of this software to enhance the backup solution process of their systems and servers.

Using a scalable, proprietary file system called Vembu HIVE, IT managers are able to have storage efficient backups and maximized performance for backup and disaster recovery. For business continuity challenges in an hybrid environment, Vembu provides complete disaster recovery care for entire infrastructures.


Vembu explains how their cloud backup and restore work?

20140921According to Vembu: “Cloud backup has become an intelligent move for current and next generation IT professionals. It is a modern strategy for backing up data to a cloud backup server. The server is usually hosted by third party service providers who charge a fee based on the capacity and number of users. If you choose daily backups, the data  transfer happens automatically every 24 hours. Your backed up data can be accessed from anywhere at anytime.


Vembu updated FileShare for Android & iOS devices

backupnews-140731-2With the latest version of the Android and iOS FileShare app, there’s lots more to experience so go ahead and read through to get a quick glimpse of it. Vembu has completely redesigned Vembu FileShare mobile apps for Android smartphones and tablets, iPods, iPhones and iPads with two key ideas in mind: 1) make the mobile apps extremely simple, user-friendly and intuitive 2) improve the overall performance and stability of the app.


Vembu to release v6.1 with Integrated Backup, DR, File Sharing & Collaboration

20131107Vembu’s next big release – Vembu Backup, DR, File Sharing & Collaboration v 6.1 and there is a reason behind it. This next release is a revolutionary design change the way backup data is handled. Feature list of the new release and why it’s going to be an exciting release for MSPs.

At a high level – Below are the new features MSPs can expect in our next release

  1. Vembu SGFS – Block Level Storage File System where all backup data are stored as blocks

  2. Variable-length global deduplication (maximum storage reduction)

  3. Data blocks in SGFS can be compressed and encrypted for further storage reduction and enhanced security

  4. Backup Data stored  in SGFS can be mounted as a volume and files restored for the Windows explorer interface.

  5. A full disk image backup can also be browsed for  file / folder level restores directly from SGFS mounted volume

  6. Disk Image / BMR backups can be instantaneously booted as VHD or VMDK files directly from the mounted SGFS volume

  7. Reverse Incremental Backups and instantaneous point-in-time restores with no merging time

  8. Integrated Backup & DR and File Sharing  & Collaboration from one unified centralized platform

  9. WAN accelerated backups with increased network efficiency and lot’s more…

All the above features are made possible with our user space, high performing file system which has in-built supports for variable length deduplication, compression and encryption.

Backup & DR and File Sharing & Collaboration

Starting from Vembu v 6.0 we are merging both Backup & File Sharing solution into a single platform where both these services can be offered from a central Vembu server. The idea is for MSPs to offer both BDR and File sharing solutions to small businesses based on business requirements and ability to monitor and manage the solution from a central platform. This means there is one less server / screen to manage and improve monitoring efficiency and offer a full blown data management solution to business customers. Because of the new design and all the performance improvements we have made to the product, our file sharing module also gets a new facelift with the strong backend infrastructure to ensure better stability and reliability
