Mozy released new solution and revamped website

20131123aMozy released new cloud backup solution and revamped the website at the same time. The new backup solution is designed to protect cloud data from end point to endpoint. This cloud software suite will give administrators the ability to deliver secure, confidential data in a manner that will not impact the day to day workflow.

Mozy has solved the problem of “Accidental Architecture.” The term describes the end result of users taking matters into their own hands and creating processes for moving data that may or may not be compliant. This sometimes happens inside of enterprises and fixing it often requires intervention from the information technology department.

They solve these problems because the platform gives users the functionality they desire while providing administrators the level of security that is needed to pass internal and external audits. Mozy also has a built in component that assists with the challenges of backing up and provisioning devices. This scalable approach allows Mozy administrators to manage entire infrastructures from one clean, easy to use interface.

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